Overview of how we work in Schools

Whole Class/Stage Program

The speech pathologist works closely with each whole class in the targeted stage. This is a team-teaching approach whereby the speech pathologist can collaborate with teachers on the lessons already planned, to add in activities for enrichment or modified with a simplified activity for students who require specific support. 

Whole class support can cover speech to literacy (phonological awareness program), as well as promoting expressive and receptive language in the classroom.

One to One Therapy

Students are initially screened by the speech pathologist using a range of tools. Following this, specific goals are established, and the student is seen for 1:1 therapy during class time. Blocks of therapy generally last for 10 weeks and a summary report is included at the conclusion.

Small Group Therapy

A small group of identified students are withdrawn from class to work with the speech pathologist on their specific needs. The children are screened, specific goals are identified, and a tailored plan is put in place to manage their communication needs.


Teacher Professional Learning

Various areas can be selected including speech, literacy, language (receptive and expressive), general speech pathology practice, and working effectively in schools. Specific topics can be chosen with your speech pathologist. 


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